Surprise Me!

Summer 2023

AI no Idenshi

AI no Idenshi

12 episodes · TV Completed The Gene of AI, AIの遺電子

AI no Idenshi – This science fiction omnibus depicting a doctor who "treats" robot and humanoid problems takes place in the near future, when humanoids with artificial intelligence account for 10% of the population. The main character, Dr. Sudo Hikaru, also has the undercover name Moggadeet, under which he secretly takes on illegal medical procedures. For example, for a man who inadvertently infected his humanoid wife with a computer virus when illegally backing up her data, Sudo proposes an operation to rewrite her memory using backup data. Could an existence replaced by backup data truly be said to be the same as it was before?

(Source: Japan Media Arts Festival, edited)



Studio Blanc.
? episodes · TV Completed Ayaka: A Story of Bonds and Wounds, AYAKA ‐あやか‐

Ayaka – Yanagi Yukito is an orphan who one day encounters an eccentric disciple of his father's. The strange man takes him to his birthplace on Ayakajima, made up of seven islands where mysterious beings called "Mitama" and dragons are rumored to reside. There, Yukito meets his father's two other disciples, who protect the harmony of Ayakajima… which soon threatens to collapse.

(Source: Crunchyroll)

Azure Legacy [Cang Yuan Tu]

Azure Legacy [Cang Yuan Tu]

Shenman Entertainment
57 episodes · ONA Ongoing The Demon Hunter, 沧元图动画, Azure Legacy, Cang Yuantu, Chang Yuan Tu, Cang Yuan Tu, 沧元图, Cang Yuan Tu

Meng Chuan menyaksikan ibunya terbunuh di depan matanya, jadi dia berlatih sangat keras dengan harapan suatu hari bisa membalas dendam atas kematian ibunya. Namun, hari-harinya yang damai hancur karena pertunangannya dibatalkan, invasi oleh pasukan asing, tempat perlindungan jatuh ke tangan musuh… Untuk melindungi orang-orang Kota Ning, dia mengangkat pedangnya dan bersumpah untuk menjadi yang terkuat. Ini adalah tanggung jawab yang berat dan perjalanan yang panjang.

Temukan Anime Azure Legacy [Cang Yuan Tu] Sub indo terbaru dan terlengkap di

BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!

BanG Dream! It’s MyGO!!!!!

13 episodes · TV Completed バンドリ!It's MyGO!!!!!

Di tahun terakhir sekolah menengah mereka, lima anggota band CRYCHIC berpisah setelah pembubaran yang tidak menyenangkan. Masing-masing bergulat dengan penyesalannya masing-masing, gadis-gadis itu mendaftar di sekolah menengah yang berbeda, berharap tidak pernah mendengar kabar satu sama lain lagi.

Sementara itu, Anon Chihaya pindah ke Akademi Perempuan Haneoka pada pertengahan tahun ajaran. Karena sebagian besar siswa bermain di sebuah band sebagai hobi, Anon ingin menyesuaikan diri dan menghabiskan hari-hari pertamanya mencoba merekrut anggota untuk bandnya sendiri, membayangkan dirinya sebagai vokalis grup. Dia berteman dengan Tomori Takamatsu, seorang gadis pemalu yang tampak tertarik namun ragu untuk bergabung. Ternyata, Tomori pernah menjadi bagian dari CRYCHIC, sebuah pengalaman yang sangat melukainya.

Melalui Tomori, Anon bertemu Taki Shiina dan Soyo Nagasaki, keduanya mantan anggota band yang sama. Meski Taki tidak suka bermain dengan Anon, Soyo dengan senang hati membantunya. Sekarang dengan Soyo di sisinya, impian Anon untuk membentuk sebuah band berada dalam jangkauannya—kalau saja dia bisa menemukan beberapa anggota lagi.

Temukan Anime BanG Dream! It’s MyGO!!!!! Sub indo terbaru dan terlengkap di

Blader Soul [Bu Xing Si: Yuan Qi]

Blader Soul [Bu Xing Si: Yuan Qi]

Passion Paint Animation
18 episodes · ONA Completed Blader Soul, 捕星司·源起

Blader Soul adalah sebuah donghua (animasi Cina) yang membawa penonton ke dalam dunia magis yang dipenuhi oleh petualangan, misteri, dan pertarungan epik. Donghua ini menarik perhatian dengan cerita yang mendalam, visual yang menakjubkan, dan karakter-karakter yang kompleks. Menggabungkan elemen-elemen fantasi dan seni bela diri, Blader Soul menjadi salah satu donghua yang paling dinantikan oleh penggemar genre ini.

Plot Utama
Blader Soul bercerita tentang seorang pemuda bernama Luo Feng yang hidup di dunia di mana seni bela diri dan kekuatan magis dikenal sebagai Yuan Qi memainkan peran penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Luo Feng, yang berasal dari keluarga biasa, bercita-cita menjadi seorang pendekar hebat dan mengungkap rahasia besar yang dapat mengubah nasib dunia.

Musim ini dimulai dengan perjalanan Luo Feng untuk mencari jawaban atas masa lalunya yang misterius dan kekuatan Yuan Qi yang tak terduga. Setelah mendapatkan petunjuk dari seorang guru bijak, Luo Feng menemukan dirinya terlibat dalam konflik besar antara kekuatan baik dan jahat yang berusaha menguasai dunia. Dalam perjalanannya, ia bertemu dengan sekutu-sekutu baru, menghadapi musuh-musuh kuat, dan mengungkap konspirasi yang melibatkan sekte-sekte rahasia dan entitas magis yang telah lama tersembunyi.

Dengan bantuan teman-teman setianya dan kekuatan Yuan Qi yang semakin berkembang, Luo Feng harus melindungi dunia dari kehancuran dan menemukan takdir sejatinya sebagai seorang pahlawan.

Karakter Utama
Luo Feng: Protagonis utama yang berambisi menjadi pendekar terhebat. Luo Feng memiliki tekad yang kuat, keberanian yang luar biasa, dan bakat luar biasa dalam menguasai Yuan Qi. Di musim ini, ia menghadapi tantangan baru yang menguji batas kekuatannya dan mengungkap rahasia masa lalunya.

Qing Yu: Seorang pendekar wanita yang memiliki kemampuan magis yang luar biasa dan menjadi sekutu setia Luo Feng. Qing Yu adalah karakter yang penuh keberanian dan kebijaksanaan, dengan latar belakang yang misterius dan kekuatan yang belum sepenuhnya terungkap.

Wei Wuji: Teman dekat dan mentor Luo Feng yang memiliki pengetahuan mendalam tentang dunia magis dan seni bela diri. Wei Wuji adalah karakter yang bijak dan penuh pengalaman, yang membantu Luo Feng dalam perjalanannya untuk menguasai kekuatan Yuan Qi.

Yun Xuan: Seorang pemimpin sekte yang kuat dan musuh utama Luo Feng di musim ini. Yun Xuan adalah karakter yang licik dan ambisius, dengan rencana besar untuk menguasai dunia dengan kekuatan gelapnya.

Ling Shuang: Teman baru yang memiliki kekuatan unik dan membantu Luo Feng dalam menghadapi musuh-musuh baru. Ling Shuang adalah karakter yang penuh semangat dengan latar belakang yang menarik dan hubungan yang rumit dengan kekuatan gelap.

Tema dan Pesan
Blader Soul mengeksplorasi tema-tema seperti keberanian, pengorbanan, persahabatan, dan pencarian jati diri. Donghua ini menggambarkan perjalanan Luo Feng yang penuh dengan tantangan dan cobaan, serta bagaimana ia belajar untuk menghadapi setiap rintangan dengan keberanian dan ketekunan. Tema-tema ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan kerja keras, dedikasi, dan hati yang murni, seseorang dapat mengatasi kegelapan dan mencapai impian besarnya.

Visual dan Musik
Blader Soul dikenal dengan animasi yang memukau dan kualitas visual yang luar biasa. Setiap adegan, dari pertarungan epik hingga pemandangan dunia magis yang luas, ditampilkan dengan detail yang indah dan penggunaan warna yang hidup. Efek visual yang dramatis dan animasi yang halus menciptakan dunia fantasi yang kaya dan mendalam, membawa penonton langsung ke dalam alur cerita yang penuh dengan keajaiban dan misteri.

Musik latar yang epik dan dramatis, serta efek suara yang mendalam, semakin meningkatkan intensitas dan emosi dalam setiap adegan. Kombinasi visual yang menakjubkan dan musik yang mengesankan menciptakan pengalaman menonton yang mendalam dan memukau, membuat setiap episode menjadi lebih hidup dan memikat.

Popularitas dan Pengaruh
Sejak dirilis, Blader Soul telah mendapatkan perhatian luas dari penggemar donghua di seluruh dunia. Ceritanya yang menarik dan karakter yang kuat telah membuat donghua ini menjadi salah satu yang paling dinantikan setiap musimnya. Dengan alur cerita yang kompleks dan pengembangan karakter yang mendalam, donghua ini terus memperkuat posisinya sebagai salah satu donghua fantasi terbaik yang pernah ada.

Blader Soul adalah donghua yang wajib ditonton bagi penggemar genre aksi, fantasi, dan kultivasi. Dengan kombinasi cerita yang mendalam, karakter yang kuat, dan visual yang memukau, donghua ini menawarkan pengalaman menonton yang luar biasa. Saksikan bagaimana Luo Feng melanjutkan perjalanannya yang penuh dengan tantangan dan petualangan untuk menjadi pendekar terhebat dan melindungi dunia dari ancaman gelap.

Untuk artikel dan berita terbaru tentang Blader Soul, kunjungi situs kami! Ikuti terus update seputar donghua ini dan jangan lewatkan informasi terkini mengenai petualangan Luo Feng dan sekutunya di dunia magis yang penuh dengan misteri dan keajaiban!

Bleach Sennen Kessen-hen - Ketsubetsu-tan

Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen – Ketsubetsu-tan

13 episodes · TV Completed Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War - The Separation, Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Arc Part 2, BLEACH 千年血戦篇-訣別譚-

Setelah serangan mendadak yang brutal oleh pasukan Raja Quincy Yhwach, para Reaper yang tinggal di Soul Society menjilat luka mereka dan meratapi kekalahan mereka. Banyak kapten Soul Reaper yang masih hidup berlatih untuk bertempur tanpa Bankai mereka, teknik pamungkas yang digunakan oleh para pejuang paling ganas.

Dalam serangan sebelumnya, Ichigo Kurosaki berhasil membantu menangkis kemarahan Yhwach yang menakutkan. Namun, untuk akhirnya mengalahkan musuh salehnya dan menyelamatkan sekutunya, Ichigo kini harus menjalani pelatihan berat yang akan mendorongnya melampaui batas fisik, emosional, dan mentalnya.

Meskipun Yhwach sudah memegang kendali dalam pertikaian berdarah yang sedang berlangsung ini, dia juga berhasil merekrut Uryuu Ishida, teman dekat dan saingan Ichigo, untuk menjadi penggantinya. Yhwach sekali lagi menyerang Soul Society yang melemah, berniat melenyapkan musuh lamanya. Saat Ichigo berjuang untuk mendapatkan kekuatan baru, para kapten Soul Reaper berjuang untuk bertahan hidup dan meminjam waktu.

Bungou Stray Dogs 5th Season

Bungou Stray Dogs 5th Season

11 episodes · TV Completed Bungo Stray Dogs 5, 文豪ストレイドッグス

Bungou Stray Dogs 5th Season- The Armed Detective Agency is still on the run from the Hunting Dogs, but not all hope is lost. Detective Ranpo Edogawa has a plan to prove the Agency's innocence and save the world from chaos: to find and capture Kamui—the leader of the terrorist organization Decay of the Angel.

In order to determine Kamui's whereabouts, Ranpo and his colleague Atsushi Nakajima must convince Genichirou Fukuchi, the renowned captain of the Hunting Dogs, for amnesty. Although Fukuchi was tasked with arresting the members of the Agency, his past with the Agency's president, Yukichi Fukuzawa, may be the key to earning his trust. But unbeknownst to them, Fukuchi might not be as honorable as he proclaims.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Dark Gathering

Dark Gathering

25 episodes · TV Completed Dark Gathering, ダークギャザリング

Dark Gathering – Keitarou Gentouga is a college freshman who hates ghosts. Unluckily for him, he has a knack for attracting spirits. Two years ago, this connection had led to him receiving a spiritual injury on his right hand, with his friend getting caught in the crossfire. The event caused him to become a shut-in, leaving him with very poor social skills. Fortunately, Keitarou is slowly starting to mingle with society, thanks to the help of his childhood friend, Eiko Houzuki.

As part of his rehabilitation, Keitarou takes on the part-time job of a private tutor, and his first pupil is none other than Eiko's cousin, Yayoi Houzuki. Besides being a child prodigy, there is another peculiarity regarding Yayoi—she has a spiritual constitution, just like Keitarou. However, in contrast to Keitarou, she yearns to encounter spirits, hoping to find the ghost that took her mother away. As Keitarou is dragged along by Yayoi and Eiko to haunted spots, his part-time job seems to be straying further and further away from its original purpose.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Dekiru Neko wa Kyou mo Yuuutsu

Dekiru Neko wa Kyou mo Yuuutsu

13 episodes · TV Completed The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today, Dekineko, デキる猫は今日も憂鬱

Dekiru Neko wa Kyou mo Yuuutsu – When Saku took in a stray black cat, she never expected that he would become the equivalent of a housekeeping life partner. But Yukichi, a giant cat who towers over Saku, is not your ordinary feline. He takes great pride in his culinary skills, and a good sale at the supermarket always gets his whiskers twitching. Saku may not have her act together yet, but at least she has Yukichi!

(Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)

Eiyuu Kyoushitsu

Eiyuu Kyoushitsu

12 episodes · TV Completed Classroom for Heroes, Class Room✿For Heroes, Hero Classroom, 英雄教室

Eiyuu Kyoushitsu – A long time ago, there existed a Demon Lord who terrorized throughout the world until a Hero stepped up to the stage and challenged the Demon Lord, ultimately defeating him and ending his reign. The Hero then created Rosewood Academy, an academy made to help heroes-in-training achieve supremacy and help defend the world when needed that enrolls only the best of the best.

Enter Arnest Flaming, a girl with a high sense of duty and the top student at the academy, hence receiving the alias "Empress of Flames" who one day encounters the lively, carefree new transfer student Blade, a boy who seems to equal her in power, something that she finds really irritating. Arnest was then personally requested by The King to supervise, and show Blade around the academy during his stay. The story follows the students' struggles in their quest to become heroes.

(Source: Eiyuu Kyoushitsu Wiki, edited)

Five Elements God Of War [Wuhang Zhanshen]

Five Elements God Of War [Wuhang Zhanshen]

Ruo Hong Culture
80 episodes · ONA Completed Five Element God of War, 五行战神

Pedang pembunuh dewa diperoleh oleh Shi Huang, seorang pemuda dari kota kecil, dan sejak saat itu ia mengemban tanggung jawab untuk menyelamatkan dunia. Setelah mendaftar di Tianbei College, Shi Huang bangkit untuk melawan pengaruh keluarganya. Demi melindungi kekaisaran, ia menghadapi bahaya sendirian.

Temukan Anime Five Elements God Of War [Wuhang Zhanshen] Sub indo terbaru dan terlengkap di

Genjitsu no Yohane: Sunshine in the Mirror

Genjitsu no Yohane: Sunshine in the Mirror

13 episodes · TV Completed 幻日のヨハネ -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR-

Genjitsu no Yohane: Sunshine in the Mirror – "Nobody knows the story of the girl that everybody knows." Numazu is a scenic port town surrounded by the mountains and the sea. Yohane, a girl who has struggled to fit in with her surroundings since childhood, spends her day avoiding people in the city. What I want to do, my true whereabouts, that is— Walking with a girl that cannot be honest, in a mysterious world you are familiar with. Another sun that has just appeared.

(Source: MAL News)

Each episode was streamed seven days in advance of the TV broadcast starting on June 25th 2023, on ABEMA. Regular broadcasting began on July 2nd 2023.

Hataraku Maou-sama!! 2nd Season

Hataraku Maou-sama!! 2nd Season

Studio 3Hz
12 episodes · TV Completed The Devil is a Part-Timer! Season 2 (Sequel), The Devil is a Part-Timer! 3rd Season, Hataraku Maou-sama 3, はたらく魔王さま!!

Hataraku Maou-sama!! 2nd Season – Second Season of Hataraku Maou-sama!!



24 episodes · TV Completed Helck, ヘルク

Helck – While humanity celebrates the defeat of the Demon King by the hands of a lone hero, the denizens of the demon world prepare for the contest of a lifetime—a tournament to decide who would inherit the title of Demon King.

Now, three months later, the tournament has been proceeding smoothly—well, other than the fact that the favorite to come out on top is the human hero Helck! With a smile and a wave, he easily bests his demonic competition, all while loudly proclaiming his hatred for humans. Though he calls for the destruction of humanity, the truth of what lies behind his cheery façade remains a mystery.

Doubtful of Helck's intentions, Red Vamirio—one of the "Four Heavenly Kings," who oversee the realm of the demons together—seeks to uncover what the hero is truly after. With the title of "Demon King" at stake, the fate of the demon world rests on her shoulders.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Higeki no Genkyou to Naru Saikyou Gedou Last Boss Joou wa Tami no Tame ni Tsukushimasu.

Higeki no Genkyou to Naru Saikyou Gedou Last Boss Joou wa Tami no Tame ni Tsukushimasu.

OLM Team Yoshioka
12 episodes · TV Completed The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior, The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People, Lastame, 悲劇の元凶となる最強外道ラスボス女王は民の為に尽くします。

Pride Royal Ivy is the final boss and all-around scum in the otome game To a Beam of Light With You. She committed innumerable crimes—from enslaving her adopted brother in a soul-binding contract to abusing her position against the servants in the household. In short, she is a villain of pure evil.

A normal high school student in Japan reincarnates into the eight-year-old body of Princess Pride. The first order of business: survive to see another day. Using her cheat-like abilities, she resolves to save her father, rescue the kingdom, and become a kind and benevolent ruler. And so, Pride resolves to change her fate, no matter what it takes!

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Horimiya: Piece

Horimiya: Piece

13 episodes · TV Completed Horimiya: The Missing Pieces, ホリミヤ -piece-

As the graduation ceremony at Katagiri High School comes to an end, Kyouko Hori, her boyfriend Izumi Miyamura, and their friends begin to look back on their time as students. The moments they shared together may be fleeting, but each one is a colorful piece of their precious memories.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Jidou Hanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyuu wo Samayou

Jidou Hanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyuu wo Samayou

AXsiZ, Studio Gokumi
12 episodes · TV Completed Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon, I Was Reborn as a Vending Machine, Wandering in the Dungeon, I Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine, 自動販売機に生まれ変わった俺は迷宮を彷徨う

Jidou Hanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyuu wo Samayou – A man with a passion for vending machines awakens to realize that he has not only died, but he has also been reborn as one of his beloved machines! Although he is a modern appliance in a fantasy world, he requires money in order to keep functioning. He is stuck in one location until a young girl named Lammis stumbles upon him. Amazed by the drinks and food he sells, Lammis uses her "Blessing of Might" to lift him with ease and take him back to the village of Clearflow Lake. There, she officially dubs him Boxxo.

Despite his inability to converse with the villagers, Boxxo becomes an essential part of the community. His goods provide nourishment, and, as he gains new abilities and products, he becomes a staple of daily life. Nobody is as loyal to Boxxo as his first and best customer, Lammis. The more time he spends with her, the more he tries to help her elevate her skills as a young hunter.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita?

Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita?

Staple Entertainment
12 episodes · TV Completed Am I Actually the Strongest?, 実は俺、最強でした?

Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita? – A 20-year-old shut-in is suddenly transported from his apartment, only to appear in front of a goddess who offers him a second chance at life. Although she grants him overpowered magical abilities in this new world, when he awakes as the newborn Prince Reinhardt, his talents are only measured at Level 2. Thinking their child to be an abysmal failure, his royal parents abandon him in the woods. There, the prince, who names himself Haruto, encounters Flay, a Flame Fenrir who decides to devote her life in service to him. Haruto's relative, Gold Zenfis, meets them both in the woods and decides to adopt the child as his own.

Nine years pass with Haruto under the care of the Zenfis family. His mastery over his overpowered barrier magic increases by the day, though Haruto would rather not use it to help others. He practices his magic in secret, preferring to have his family believe that he is weak. However, his younger sister, Charlotte, discovers his strength, and with the assistance of Flay, Haruto protects her and the rest of the Zenfis family from harm. With a shifty plot stirring in the kingdom, Haruto only wishes to stay inside and watch anime, but it seems he will have to use his magic to keep the family that took him in safe.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season

Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season

23 episodes · TV Completed Sorcery Fight, JJK, 呪術廻戦

Saat itu tahun 2006, dan aula Sekolah Menengah Jujutsu Prefektur Tokyo bergema dengan pertengkaran tak berujung dan perdebatan sengit antara dua sahabat yang tak terpisahkan. Memancarkan kepercayaan diri yang tak tergoyahkan, Satoru Gojou dan Suguru Getou percaya bahwa tidak ada tantangan yang terlalu besar bagi penyihir Kelas Khusus yang muda dan kuat seperti mereka. Mereka ditugaskan untuk mengantarkan seorang gadis berakal sehat bernama Riko Amanai dengan aman ke entitas yang keberadaannya merupakan inti dari dunia jujutsu. Namun, misi tersebut menjerumuskan mereka ke dalam pusaran konflik moral yang mengancam kehancuran persahabatan yang sudah lemah antara penyihir dan manusia biasa.

Dua belas tahun kemudian, pelajar dan dukun berada di garis depan pertahanan melawan meningkatnya jumlah kutukan tingkat tinggi yang lahir dari emosi negatif manusia. Ketika entitas semakin berkuasa, kesadaran diri dan ambisi mereka juga meningkat. Kutukan tersebut bersatu untuk tujuan bersama yaitu memusnahkan manusia dan menciptakan dunia yang hanya berisi pengguna energi terkutuk, dipimpin oleh roh terkutuk kuno yang berbahaya. Untuk mengatasi rintangan terbesar mereka—penyihir terkuat, Gojou—mereka mengatur serangan di Stasiun Shibuya pada Halloween. Dibagi menjadi beberapa tim, para penyihir memasuki pertarungan dengan bersiap mempertaruhkan segalanya demi melindungi orang yang tidak bersalah dan kaum mereka sendiri.

Kanojo, Okarishimasu 3rd Season

Kanojo, Okarishimasu 3rd Season

TMS Entertainment
12 episodes · TV Completed Rent-a-Girlfriend Season 3, Kanokari, 彼女、お借りします

Kanojo, Okarishimasu 3rd Season – Third season of Kanojo, Okarishimasu.

Level 1 dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyou desu

Level 1 dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyou desu

Maho Film
12 episodes · TV Completed My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1, レベル1だけどユニークスキルで最強です

Ryouta Satou, who died from overworking at a black company, was reincarnated to another world. Although Ryouta was alive, he was now burdened with the inconvenience that his level is fixed to 1 in this new world. Although he wasn’t able to raise his level, he had a unique skill that can create a cheat-like item that shouldn't exist in the world from monsters. Knowing this, he maxed out his stats with the help of ability-up items, and he gathered a number of weapons and items that can only be used by himself, which made him have the strongest stats and gear despite being level 1.

(Source: Shousetsuka ni Narou, translated)

Liar Liar

Liar Liar

Geek Toys
12 episodes · TV Completed ライアー・ライアー

At Academy Island, everything is settled through "Games" waged for a certain number of stars, with the strongest student being granted the ranking of Seven Stars. Hiroto, a transfer student, unexpectedly beats the strongest empress and becomes the pseudo-strongest in the school! A mind game of lies and bluffs begins!

(Source: Kadokawa, translated)

Link Click Season 2

Link Click Season 2

LAN Studio
12 episodes · ONA Completed Link Click Season 2, Link Click 2nd Season, 時光代理人 -LINK CLICK- II, 时光代理人 第二季, Shiguang Daili ren II

Upaya untuk menangkap pelaku misterius yang merasuki orang berakhir tragis: Lu Guang dilarikan ke rumah sakit dalam kondisi kritis, sementara Cheng Xiaoshi ditangkap atas dugaan kejahatannya. Mengingat kejadian baru-baru ini, ayah Liu Min melepaskan pengacaranya yang terampil dan kejam—Qian Jin—untuk mengejar Kepala Polisi Li Xiao, yang mempelopori penyelidikan terkait studio foto milik Qiao Ling.

Tampaknya tidak ada yang aman dari serangan yang tidak terduga dan fatal dari musuh yang dengan susah payah menyembunyikan identitas mereka. Saat ia mencoba belajar dari kesalahan masa lalunya, Cheng Xiaoshi harus bertindak cepat dan tegas untuk mengakhiri jejak kematian yang menghancurkan ini.

Temukan Anime Link Click Season 2 Sub indo terbaru dan terlengkap di

Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha

Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha

12 episodes · TV Completed Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero, Lv1魔王とワンルーム勇者

After the climactic battle to decide the fate of humanity, the hero Max, alongside his party, emerges victorious against the formidable Demon Lord. As he draws his last breath, the defeated Maou vows to return more powerful than ever to take his revenge.

Ten years later, although Maou has resurrected, the process is incomplete, resulting in him taking on the form of a child. Nevertheless, not wanting to waste another second, Maou pays his nemesis a visit—but the hero who once gallantly protected humankind from the demon's clutches is now a pitiful slob bearing no resemblance to a man of his former caliber.

Despite his disappointment, Maou moves in with Max in hope of building him back up into a worthy adversary. But as the demon learns more about the events that transpired in the decade of his absence, he realizes that there is a story behind Max's downfall that he knows nothing of.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Masamune-kun no Revenge R

Masamune-kun no Revenge R

12 episodes · TV Completed Masamune-kun's Revenge R, 政宗くんのリベンジR

With the tumultuous cultural festival behind him, Masamune Makabe continues his efforts to carry out his revenge: to make the "Cruel Princess" Aki Adagaki deeply fall for him and then immediately dump her. As his class is going on a trip to Paris, widely known as the City of Love, Masamune has the perfect opportunity to get even for his childhood heartbreak.

Before Masamune can impress Aki, the two meet Muriel Besson, a French high school otaku who aspires to create a romantic comedy manga series. Muriel believes Masamune is the ideal model for the protagonist and asks for his help. The boy reluctantly agrees, dragging Aki along to provide inspiration for the love interest's character. But to do so, the two must show Muriel what Japanese love is like.

To make matters more complicated, Kanetsugu Gasou is masquerading as Aki's childhood friend, Masamune, to trick and use her. With mix-ups and love rivals galore, Masamune's revenge is proving to be quite the difficult task.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Mononogatari 2nd Season

Mononogatari 2nd Season

Bandai Namco Pictures
12 episodes · TV Completed Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari 2nd Season, もののがたり 第二章

Second Season of Mononogatari

Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu

Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu

Studio Bind
12 episodes · TV Completed Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Season 2, Jobless Reincarnation: I Will Seriously Try If I Go To Another World, Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season, 無職転生 II ~異世界行ったら本気だす~

Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu – After his relationship with Eris Boreas Greyrat reaches new heights, Rudeus Greyrat is ecstatic. Unfortunately, his joy is short-lived, as Eris suddenly abandons him to embark on her own journey. Believing that Eris has lost all interest in him, a heartbroken and depressed Rudeus sets forth to the Northern Territories. With his sole goal being to locate his mother on the vast continent, Rudeus wonders if persisting through daily life is worth the pain, falling into a robotic routine as he endlessly ruminates on his lost love.

However, the dangers of the North soon prove that one cannot survive with a dulled mind. While on a quest with the party Counter Arrow, with whom he recently became acquainted, Rudeus has a brush with death—an experience that forces him to finally snap out of his despair. With his newfound teammates, Rudeus rediscovers the pleasure of daily adventuring and moves forward with his original goal of living his second lease on life to the fullest.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai suru

Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai suru

15 episodes · TV Completed Reign of the Seven Spellblades, Nanatsuma, 七つの魔剣が支配する

Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai suru – In the world of magic, there exist deadly irreversible techniques commonly known as spellblades. These sparse and elusive spells, along with their casters, are shrouded in mystery and only their absolute lethality is known to the masses.

Every year, the spring blossom signifies a new intake of students to the prestigious magic school Kimberly. With reactions of awe and bewilderment, a ceremonious parade complete with magical beasts welcomes the newcomers to the institution. Among them is the mysterious Oliver Horn, whose indifference changes to fascination as he notices a peculiar figure—a girl wearing strange attire equipped with a Japanese sword.

From the entrance ceremony onward, Oliver realizes that not all is as it seems at Kimberly, as the emergence of labyrinths, monsters, and other threats endanger the new student body. Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai suru explores the intertwined fates of two warriors as they uncover the dark truths that lurk within the walls of the academy.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Okashi na Tensei

Okashi na Tensei

12 episodes · TV Completed Sweet Reincarnation, Treat of Reincarnation, おかしな転生

When a genius patissier dies in a tragic accident before achieving his dream of creating the world's greatest sweets, he is reincarnated as nine-year-old Pastry Mille "Pas" Morteln. Now in a medieval world brimming with swords and magic, Pas enjoys a peaceful life in the Fief of Morteln under the authority of his father, the military hero Lord Casserole. However, scarce ingredients render sweets a luxury, so Pas can only dream of baking.

Once news arrives of approaching bandits, Pas must learn magic and fight to defend his land, all to one day create a confectionery paradise!

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Rakshasa Street Season 3

Rakshasa Street Season 3

16 episodes · ONA Completed Rakshasa Street 3rd Season, Requiem Street 3rd Season, 镇魂街 第三季

Musim Ketiga Rakshasa Street – Sebuah cerita petualangan mengenai seorang pemuda bernama Cao Yanbing yang memiliki “Tubuh Dewa Perang” dan mencari jejak orangtuanya yang hilang. Bersama dengan rekan-rekannya, termasuk gadis Xia Ling dan anggota Bei Luo Sect, mereka memasuki daerah terlarang dalam Dunia Roh yang dikenal sebagai Menara Kuno Lu Hua. Di sana, mereka terlibat dalam pertempuran sengit dengan penjaga yang dikenal sebagai Empat Raja Angin, Bunga, Salju, dan Bulan.

Temukan Anime Rakshasa Street Season 3 Sub indo terbaru dan terlengkap di

Renegade Immortal [Xian Ni]

Renegade Immortal [Xian Ni]

76 episodes · ONA Ongoing Renegade Immortal, 仙逆, Xian Ni

Wang Lin adalah anak yang sangat cerdas dengan orang tua yang penuh kasih sayang. Meskipun ia dan orang tuanya dijauhi oleh kerabat mereka yang lain, orang tuanya selalu menaruh harapan besar bahwa suatu hari ia akan mencapai kehebatan. Suatu hari, Wang Lin tiba-tiba mendapat kesempatan untuk menempuh jalan keabadian tetapi mendapati bahwa dia hanya memiliki bakat yang biasa-biasa saja. Saksikan Wang Lin saat dia menerobos kekurangan bakatnya dan menjalani jalan menuju keabadian sejati!

Temukan anime donghua Renegade Immortal sub indo terbaru hanya di

Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan (2023)

Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan (2023)

24 episodes · TV Completed るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚-

Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan (2023) – Ten years have passed since the end of Bakumatsu, an era of war that saw the uprising of citizens against the Tokugawa shogunate. The revolutionaries wanted to create a time of peace, and a thriving country free from oppression. The new age of Meiji has come, but peace has not yet been achieved. Swords are banned but people are still murdered in the streets. Orphans of war veterans are left with nowhere to go, while the government seems content to just line their pockets with money.

One wandering samurai, Kenshin Himura, still works to make sure the values he fought for are worth the lives spent to bring about the new era. Once known as Hitokiri Battousai, he was feared as the most ruthless killer of all the revolutionaries. Now haunted by guilt, Kenshin has sworn never to kill again in atonement for the lives he took, and he may never know peace until killing is a thing of the past.

Now in the 11th year of Meiji, Kenshin stumbles upon Kaoru Kamiya, owner and head instructor of a small dojo being threatened to close its doors. The police force is powerless to stop the string of murders done in the name of her dojo by a man claiming to be the famous Battousai. Kenshin's wanderings pause for now as he joins Kaoru to clear both their names. But how long can he stay before his past catches up to him?

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Ryza no Atelier: Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega

Ryza no Atelier: Tokoyami no Joou to Himitsu no Kakurega

12 episodes · TV Completed Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout The Animation, ライザのアトリエ ~常闇の女王と秘密の隠れ家~

From her hometown to her daily life on Kurken Island, everything surrounding Reisalin "Ryza" Stout is painfully ordinary. Despite being the daughter of a hardworking farmer, she would rather go on pretend adventures as she explores almost every corner of the island. However, the fact that it is against the local customs to venture off Kurken Island irritates her to no end.

One day, wishing for something interesting to finally happen in her life, Ryza escapes on a boat with her two good friends: the bookworm Tao Mongarten and the aspiring warrior Lent Marslink. Arriving at a nearby forest, the trio stumbles into Klaudia Valentz, the daughter of a visiting merchant who also wandered off into the woods.

As the naive and underprepared group ventures further, they run into dangerous monsters. Thankfully, they are rescued by the alchemist Empel Vollmer and his skilled bodyguard Lila Decyrus. This fateful encounter will lead Ryza to the key that will change her life forever—the creative and wonderful world of alchemy.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Seija Musou: Salaryman, Isekai de Ikinokoru Tame ni Ayumu Michi

Seija Musou: Salaryman, Isekai de Ikinokoru Tame ni Ayumu Michi

Cloud Hearts, Yokohama Animation Lab
12 episodes · TV Completed The Great Cleric, 聖者無双

After his untimely death, this salaryman gets another shot at life! When Luciel is reborn into a magical new land, he becomes a healer in hopes of leading a peaceful life. However, he quickly learns that being a healer is much more challenging than he expected. With strict and strenuous training in store, this new life is turning out to be anything but peaceful.

(Source: Crunchyroll)

Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid 2nd Season

Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid 2nd Season

12 episodes · TV Completed The Duke of Death and His Maid Season 2, 死神坊ちゃんと黒メイド

Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid 2nd Season – Second season of Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid.

Shiro Seijo to Kuro Bokushi

Shiro Seijo to Kuro Bokushi

Doga Kobo
12 episodes · TV Completed Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence, White Saint and Black Pastor, 白聖女と黒牧師

Shiro Seijo to Kuro Bokushi – In a small church atop a hill, Pastor Lawrence looks after Saint Cecilia. Her presence is a beacon of hope for the villagers, as her mysterious powers protect them from the weakness of their minds and outside evils. While she appears dignified in front of the villagers, Cecilia allows her lazy side to show when alone with the pastor. Although Cecilia is the guardian of the people, Lawrence is determined to shield her from harm.

Unbeknownst to Lawrence, Cecilia harbors a huge crush on him. She accompanies him on his shopping trips and provides him with divine protection every day. Despite Lawrence remaining oblivious to her true feelings, Cecilia continues to shower him with obvious displays of affection as the bond between them grows.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Spy Kyoushitsu 2nd Season

Spy Kyoushitsu 2nd Season

12 episodes · TV Completed Spy Classroom Season 2, Spy Room 2, スパイ教室

Spy Kyoushitsu 2nd Season – Four members of the Din Republic's spy team Lamplight embark on a mission to capture an enemy spy. Although they struggle to work together due to their clashing personalities, Thea, Monika, Erna, and Annett complete their objective. While enjoying a short break, the four girls encounter a woman named Matilda, who claims to be Annett's mother. As they get to know Matilda, the team is dragged into an escalating conflict that tests their teamwork and allegiances.

Meanwhile, the remaining Lamplight members notice that the dispatched squad has yet to report back. Worried about their allies, Klaus and Lily set out on an emergency expedition to locate their missing teammates. As the two uncover troubling information about rising tensions in the area where their friends last were, they must act quickly to reassemble the team before the mission reaches the point of no return.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Part 2

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Part 2

12 episodes · TV Completed シュガーアップル・フェアリーテイル

Despite having accomplished a lifelong dream of hers, Ann Halford faces further challenges ahead. Bridget Paige, the daughter of the Paige Workshop's owner, still possesses the wing of Shall Fen Shall, Ann's former fairy companion. In determination to save Shall from the obsessive Bridget, Ann decides to join the Paige Workshop, hoping at the same time to perhaps reunite with her close friend.

Having been appointed head of the workshop, Ann becomes entrusted with rebuilding it to its former glory. She quickly discovers that the Paige Workshop has a unique focus on tradition and individuality, and recognizes that she will need to learn about her team and completely revamp the workshop in order to succeed. Motivated by her strong desire to rescue Shall and her obligations as a sugar artisan, Ann wholeheartedly dedicates herself to her new position.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta

13 episodes · TV Completed The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses, 好きな子がめがねを忘れた

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta – Kaede Komura is in love. After being seated next to the airheaded Ai Mie for the past three days, Komura cannot help but be attracted to his bespectacled classmate. Although he has yet to have a proper conversation with Mie, Komura dreams of the day when she will look his way.

One day, Komura notices that his seatmate is not wearing her glasses, learning by questioning Mie that she forgot them and has a tendency of doing so. When he sees her struggle, a concerned Komura takes it upon himself to help his crush. As the boy offers his assistance to Mie day by day, her reasons for constantly losing her glasses slowly evolve from the answer she initially gave.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]



12 episodes · TV Completed TenPuru: No One Can Live on Loneliness, てんぷる

Akemitsu Akegami was always told by his father that "no one can live alone"…but he's sure determined. After all, his father sure wasn't saying it with the best intentions, and Akemitsu has no desire to become like that creep. But when a chance encounter with a young woman leaves him with thoughts that are all too impure, he decides to do what he must—become a Buddhist monk and renounce worldly ways. But the temple he decides to devote himself to…is full of women? And that same young woman is there, too?? What's a guy to do?

(Source: Kodansha USA)

Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi

Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi

Project No.9
12 episodes · TV Completed My Tiny Senpai, My Company's Small Senpai, Story of a Small Senior in My Company, うちの会社の小さい先輩の話

Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi – "My senpai from work… is tiny and cute."

Shinozaki is an office worker who is taken care of and coddled by his senior team member Shiori Katase: a gorgeous, profoundly kind, loving, and diminutive woman.

Shinozaki certainly hopes that she's not doing it out of duty… but her joy of doing so increasingly exposes her feelings!

(Source: MU)

Undead Girl Murder Farce

Undead Girl Murder Farce

Lapin Track
13 episodes · TV Completed Undead Murder Farce, アンデッドガール・マーダーファルス

Undead Girl Murder Farce – In 19th-century France, the wife of vampire noble Jean Duchet Godard is murdered in her own home. With the local human authorities unwilling to properly investigate the case, Godard hires a pair of private detectives known to specialize in the supernatural: Tsugaru Shinuchi, a man with a mysterious birdcage; and his partner, Aya Rindou. This enigmatic duo has come from faraway Japan for one purpose—to track down the man who stole both Aya's body and Tsugaru's humanity.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon

Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon

Kinema Citrus
12 episodes · TV Completed My Happy Marriage, My Blissful Marriage, わたしの幸せな結婚

MWatashi no Shiawase na Kekkon – isery seems everlasting in Miyo Saimori's life. Born into an arranged marriage, she was quickly discarded after her mother's tragic death. Her father remarried, and her younger half-sister Kaya received all the affection, while Miyo was degraded to a lowly servant. Lacking the strength to fight against her family's abuse, Miyo loses hope that her luck will ever turn.

Unexpectedly, Miyo's father summons her to deliver surprising news: she is to marry Kiyoka Kudou, the head of the distinguished Kudou family. Despite his noble background, Kiyoka is known to be a callous man who has thus far dismissed all of his former fiancées.

Upon arriving at the Kudou household, Miyo expects coarse treatment and to be tossed aside. However, contrary to her assumptions, Kiyoka shows her the kindness and love that she has desperately needed. Marrying Kiyoka may be Miyo's one chance to break free from her neglectful family and embrace a life of happiness.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Xi Xing Ji Season 5

Xi Xing Ji Season 5

52 episodes · ONA Completed The Westward 5th Season, Xi Xing Ji 5th Season, Journey to the West, Westbound, Westbound Discipline, 西行纪 第五季, 西行纪 年番, Xi Xing Ji: Nian Fan

The fifth season Xi Xing Ji. Xi Xing Ji Season 5

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Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha

Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha

AXsiZ, Studio Gokumi
12 episodes · TV Completed The Dreaming Boy is a Realist, 夢見る男子は現実主義者

Wataru Sajou is infamous in his school for persistently seeking the attention of his crush, Aika Natsukawa. His usual day revolves around shadowing her and confessing his undying love at every turn. However, a moment of epiphany leads Wataru to relinquish his childish behavior and face the reality that she will never return his one-sided feelings. He distances himself from Aika and spends his newfound spare time with his friends and in the company of other lovely girls.

As Wataru moves on, Aika starts approaching him in unusually suggestive ways—making him question whether giving up on his love was the right decision after all.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto

Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto

12 episodes · TV Completed Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, Bucket List of The Dead, Zombie 100: 100 Things I Want to do Before I Become a Zombie, ゾン100~ゾンビになるまでにしたい100のこと~

Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto – In a trash-filled apartment, 24-year-old Akira Tendou watches a zombie movie with lifeless, envious eyes. After spending three hard years at an exploitative corporation in Japan, his spirit is broken. He can't even muster the courage to confess his feelings to his beautiful co-worker Ootori. Then one morning, he stumbles upon his landlord eating lunch—which happens to be another tenant! The whole city's swarming with zombies, and even though he's running for his life, Akira has never felt more alive!

(Source: VIZ Media)

Episode 1 was previewed at a screening at Anime Expo on July 1, 2023. Regular broadcasting began on July 9, 2023.